Mornings and waking up don't have to be much of the struggle it may now seem. Creating a healthy morning routine makes your life simpler and more productive as it can provide a stimulus for hours ahead and ensure a more refreshed start to your day. Own your mornings, and you will own your life!
Here are five tips to boost your morning and enjoy the rest of your day:
1) Hydration - Once you wake up, drink a large glass of water to replenish your body, which has just gone 8 hours on a fast. If you can, add a squeezed lemon to your glass of water to help your liver flush out toxins and to get an good amount of the recommended vitamin C intake. Not to mention the benefits of water and lemon on your skin!
2) Get your body moving. Whether it is by slightly stretching, going out for a run, or a quick yoga session, make your body move. A body in motion tends to stay in motion.
3) Get to a happy state and start your day with gratitude. I can't stress enough how gratitude can change your life! One way to be mindful of the happy and positive things in your life is to journal daily. Take a moment and think about all the things that you are thankful for. This simple process will brighten your day and give you a positive perspective of your life. You can also take advantage of this « me time » to set your goals and intentions for the day. A day well organised is a day well lived.
4) If you are not intermittent-fasting, don't skip breakfast! As a the first meal of the day, breakfast restores your glucose levels, which are vital for optimum brain function. Therefore, make sure to eat in the mornings to bring your energy level up for the day.
5) Try getting up early, even if it is 15 minutes to start with. You will be positively surprised how much extra time in the day you wil have for yourself.
The morning hours provide a fantastic opportunity to practice self-care, to start your day grounded and refreshed. Don't wake up by checking on your notifications and emails. Enjoy the start of your day slowly with yourself and what you enjoy. If you have extra time, read a book, spend the morning with your family, and do something to feed your soul.
Now you know what to do tomorrow morning!