sierpień 07, 2020
Detox diet, or detoxification, is thought to be the removal of potentially toxic substances from the body. The term detox is primarily used to describe the treatment for drug or alcohol dependence but it has also come to describe specific diets designed to remove environmental and dietary toxins for the purpose of general health or weight loss.
Before attempting any detoxification diet it is important that an individual is evaluated and get the advice of their healthcare practitioner. Some of the diets currently on the market can cause a worsening of underlying medical conditions or may be contraindicated based on the medications the individual may be currently taking. In either case, the advice of your medical practitioner will probably help to avoid any prolonged or highly negative side effects.

Sources of these toxins can include those produced normally by the body, such as ammonia produced during the break down of protein, or can include chemicals such as pesticides, household cleaners, food additives, drugs, cigarettes smoke and heavy metals that enter the body when we ingest or inhale them. There are many different detox diets but most are designed to minimize the number of chemicals which are ingested, emphasize that foods provide the vitamins and nutrients that the body needs for detoxification and contain foods that are high in fibre and water which draw out and eliminate the toxins by increasing the frequency of bowel movements in urination.
There is a growing body of research that suggests that many of the chemicals we ingest daily through processed foods or our drinking water can become deposited in fat cells in our bodies. A diet that lacks specific nutrients can also impair our natural ability to get rid of those toxins. Some signs of increasing toxicity are thought to include indigestion, muscle pain, fatigue or even poor skin quality.
Proponents of a detox diet often report feeling improved energy, clearer skin, improved digestion, increased concentration and clarity and regular bowel movements. However, depending upon the diet chosen, detractors of the process also claim that individuals can suffer from long-term kidney and liver damage because of the substances used or not used during the process.

Unfortunately, today many individuals are using these detox diets in order to lose a significant amount of weight in a short period of time. They are thought to be super restricted eating plans and are being linked to specific celebrities who seek to fit into specific dress sizes in order to play parts in the movies.
The idea of detoxifying or purifying the body has been around for centuries. Although there are no specific numbers on how many people have tried the latest plans many dozens of new do-it-yourself fasting books are making it to the bookstores. Nutrition experts are also sounding alarm over the possible risks from lengthy or repeated fasts which appears to go along with the current fad a detox diets.
Vitamin deficiencies, muscle breakdown and blood sugar problems are not the least of the problems being suffered and experienced by individuals. Another of the seriously unpleasant drawbacks is the unsupervised and overuse of laxatives which has often been associated with eating disorders.
Experts are firm about the types of individuals who should not attempt to use this fasting diet because of the crash in blood sugar, potassium and sodium levels. People with diabetes, heart or kidney disease or women who are pregnant or nursing should not try these diets. Experts also believe that children, teens older adults or people with certain digestive conditions should also steer clear of these detox diets which involves starvation or drinking specific types of fluid but eating no solid foods.

On the other hand there are practical ways of using a detoxifying diet or regimen to assist the body in clearing certain chemicals or toxins which negatively impact the health of any individual. It has been no secret that household cleaning supplies, make up, and even processed foods contain chemicals which are toxic to the body. Because these chemicals often remain in the body over long periods of time, residing in the fat cells, individuals are faced with the potential for chronic build up and deteriorating health.
Fasting has been a process which has been used successfully since biblical times. The difference between this type of fasting and the fad diets is the addition of solid foods which are meant to boost the vitamin and mineral content of the body as opposed to forcing large amounts of lemonade or maple syrup into the cells for nutrition.
Experts believe that individuals should not fast (eating only fruit juice or water) for more than two to three days. Once the initial two or three day fast has been completed, individuals can start to add different fruits and vegetables. There are several types of detox diets which are specific about the way in which foods are added back into the diet. However, what they do have in common is that individuals should stick to fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds which are in their raw state.
Eating these raw and potentially organic foods will help to flush out the increased number of toxins in the body. It should be stressed that individuals should not use laxatives while attempting to detoxify their body. Laxatives will only work against the ultimate goal of assisting the body in ridding the toxins. Individuals who eat large amounts of fruits and vegetables will find they are not constipated and the toxins which do reach their colon are easily removed from the body on a daily basis.
Some of the more common side effects of a detox diet are headache within the first few days which may be related to caffeine withdrawal or can be related to the increased number of toxins that are suddenly released into the bloodstream. If an individual has a high caffeine intake experts suggest they should gradually decrease the amount of caffeine they used prior to starting a detox diet.
Other side effects can include diarrhea, constipation, tiredness, irritability,acne, weight loss and hunger. Some individuals report they feel as if they have flu symptoms in the first several days or weeks. These symptoms are all related to the increased number of toxins which are released into the body once the body begins to metabolize them an attempt to get rid of them.
Ultimately the individual will begin to feel healthier and better but should never returned to their previous traditional Western diet which probably included large amounts of coffee, soda and processed foods. These are the chemicals and products which got the body into trouble in the first place. Some individuals find that using a strict fasting detox diet for one week every six months helps them to maintain an overall degree of good health.
Before attempting any detoxification diet it is important that an individual is evaluated and get the advice of their healthcare practitioner. Some of the diets currently on the market can cause a worsening of underlying medical conditions or may be contraindicated based on the medications the individual may be currently taking. In either case, the advice of your medical practitioner will probably help to avoid any prolonged or highly negative side effects.

Sources of these toxins can include those produced normally by the body, such as ammonia produced during the break down of protein, or can include chemicals such as pesticides, household cleaners, food additives, drugs, cigarettes smoke and heavy metals that enter the body when we ingest or inhale them. There are many different detox diets but most are designed to minimize the number of chemicals which are ingested, emphasize that foods provide the vitamins and nutrients that the body needs for detoxification and contain foods that are high in fibre and water which draw out and eliminate the toxins by increasing the frequency of bowel movements in urination.
There is a growing body of research that suggests that many of the chemicals we ingest daily through processed foods or our drinking water can become deposited in fat cells in our bodies. A diet that lacks specific nutrients can also impair our natural ability to get rid of those toxins. Some signs of increasing toxicity are thought to include indigestion, muscle pain, fatigue or even poor skin quality.
Proponents of a detox diet often report feeling improved energy, clearer skin, improved digestion, increased concentration and clarity and regular bowel movements. However, depending upon the diet chosen, detractors of the process also claim that individuals can suffer from long-term kidney and liver damage because of the substances used or not used during the process.

Unfortunately, today many individuals are using these detox diets in order to lose a significant amount of weight in a short period of time. They are thought to be super restricted eating plans and are being linked to specific celebrities who seek to fit into specific dress sizes in order to play parts in the movies.
The idea of detoxifying or purifying the body has been around for centuries. Although there are no specific numbers on how many people have tried the latest plans many dozens of new do-it-yourself fasting books are making it to the bookstores. Nutrition experts are also sounding alarm over the possible risks from lengthy or repeated fasts which appears to go along with the current fad a detox diets.
Vitamin deficiencies, muscle breakdown and blood sugar problems are not the least of the problems being suffered and experienced by individuals. Another of the seriously unpleasant drawbacks is the unsupervised and overuse of laxatives which has often been associated with eating disorders.
Experts are firm about the types of individuals who should not attempt to use this fasting diet because of the crash in blood sugar, potassium and sodium levels. People with diabetes, heart or kidney disease or women who are pregnant or nursing should not try these diets. Experts also believe that children, teens older adults or people with certain digestive conditions should also steer clear of these detox diets which involves starvation or drinking specific types of fluid but eating no solid foods.

On the other hand there are practical ways of using a detoxifying diet or regimen to assist the body in clearing certain chemicals or toxins which negatively impact the health of any individual. It has been no secret that household cleaning supplies, make up, and even processed foods contain chemicals which are toxic to the body. Because these chemicals often remain in the body over long periods of time, residing in the fat cells, individuals are faced with the potential for chronic build up and deteriorating health.
Fasting has been a process which has been used successfully since biblical times. The difference between this type of fasting and the fad diets is the addition of solid foods which are meant to boost the vitamin and mineral content of the body as opposed to forcing large amounts of lemonade or maple syrup into the cells for nutrition.
Experts believe that individuals should not fast (eating only fruit juice or water) for more than two to three days. Once the initial two or three day fast has been completed, individuals can start to add different fruits and vegetables. There are several types of detox diets which are specific about the way in which foods are added back into the diet. However, what they do have in common is that individuals should stick to fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds which are in their raw state.
Eating these raw and potentially organic foods will help to flush out the increased number of toxins in the body. It should be stressed that individuals should not use laxatives while attempting to detoxify their body. Laxatives will only work against the ultimate goal of assisting the body in ridding the toxins. Individuals who eat large amounts of fruits and vegetables will find they are not constipated and the toxins which do reach their colon are easily removed from the body on a daily basis.
Some of the more common side effects of a detox diet are headache within the first few days which may be related to caffeine withdrawal or can be related to the increased number of toxins that are suddenly released into the bloodstream. If an individual has a high caffeine intake experts suggest they should gradually decrease the amount of caffeine they used prior to starting a detox diet.
Other side effects can include diarrhea, constipation, tiredness, irritability,acne, weight loss and hunger. Some individuals report they feel as if they have flu symptoms in the first several days or weeks. These symptoms are all related to the increased number of toxins which are released into the body once the body begins to metabolize them an attempt to get rid of them.
Ultimately the individual will begin to feel healthier and better but should never returned to their previous traditional Western diet which probably included large amounts of coffee, soda and processed foods. These are the chemicals and products which got the body into trouble in the first place. Some individuals find that using a strict fasting detox diet for one week every six months helps them to maintain an overall degree of good health.